Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I've Got Crabs!

In this crazy crab dream, I was driving a dune buggy across a dirt road.  The road then turned into thick bundled cable wires that were suspended high over a massive canyon.  I kept driving but was a little freaked out.  Once I got to the other side, there was a group of people around a bonfire.  They were drinking beer and cooking dinner so I decided to stay for a bit, even though I didn’t know anyone.

There was a small cage filled with huge crabs that were being steamed over a smaller open fire.  I looked closer at the cage and saw a little boy inside it, gnawing on a live crab.  Nobody seemed to care so I walked over and grabbed what I thought was a dead crab.  As I put it on my plate, it sprang to life and jumped towards me.  It latched onto my face with one of its huge claws and I immediately woke up.

Friday, March 4, 2011

After I Killed Him, I stuffed His Body Into an Empty Paint Can

In this intense and weird dream, I was hiding on a beach with two guys I didn’t know.  We were behind a small sand dune, watching three guys dump a dead body into the ocean.  After they were done they walked towards us and one of them spotted me.  They sprinted towards us so we buried ourselves in the sand.

As I was lying on my back covered in sand, one of the guys stepped on my stomach and I jerked up in pain.  They picked me up and left me with a muscle-bound guy who was instructed to kill me.  He approached me quickly and I pounded him over the head with my closed fist, instantly killing him.

I frantically looked for a place to hide his body.  At first I hid him under a bench.  I then carried him into a nearby house and hid him under a bed.  Not happy with this hiding place, I decided to cram him into an empty paint can and surprisingly he fit into it.

I then walked into an empty warehouse and there was a sea of shelves, each completely filled with paint cans.  I put my can on an empty spot on one of the shelves.  The band Steel Dragon was playing in the background and the song was “We All Die Young.”

A friend of mine suddenly walked into the warehouse and told me he was looking for the guy I had killed and said he couldn’t leave without him.  I saw an axe on the wall so I quickly grabbed it.  I took a full swing at him and just before the blade was going to hit my friends chest, I turned it a bit and the blunt end of the axe hit him.